Need to boost revenue this Summer? August Memberships Increase Club Funds!

Adding August-only members can give your club the boost in revenue it needs to round out the Summer season. Maybe you have special projects in mind for the fall, like renovations to club facilities, or landscaping projects? Offering these limited memberships is also a great way to offer your prospective members a quick preview of the perks of full membership while they wait for your offer.

If you would like to invite August-only members to join the club, it’s time to start thinking about how you’ll offer membership to these special members. Start by determining if you have room for August-only members. Who should receive an August offering? Where do they go? (i.e., which account type should they have) and how much is an August Membership?

You’ll want to create a new account type so that you can keep your August-only folks in a special membership category. Next, you’ll want to think about how you would like to present dues for August members…with a flat-rate product, or a per-member product? Would you like to use tags to mark these accounts so that you can track them after the 2023 season? A post-payment action on your August membership products can be set up to automatically add a tag to an account.

Adding a special membership offering can be a quick and easy way to increase revenue and club exposure, making your pool the talk of the town for upcoming seasons.