Digital Sponsorship can increase donations, revenue and funding
Are you efficiently set up for actively taking digital sponsorship (or fundraising or donations) applications and revenue across your platform yet? We can help!
Our Essentials plan offers the ability to download unlimited premade forms for easy DIY placements. BUT in Premium plans we can set up Sponsorships that automate sponsorship money, logos and and banner automatically to through your site. Once it’s set up you may never have to touch it again unless you want to change the rates or setting!
Downloadable sponsorship forms in particular can have preset fundraising packages amounts for up-loadable logos/banners you approve and place. These packages are typically higher revenue amounts and really boost the clubs funds.
Member Splash is OVERFLOWING with club process solutions and revenue generators: Instant digital membership billing? We’ve got that. Paid annual waitlists? Yep. Gravity forms for driving revenue from Rentals, Events, Lessons, Teams and more directly into your bank account? We’ve got that too!