Membersplash Data Privacy, Security and Confidentiality

Your Data Security and Confidentiality

At Member Splash, protecting your data is not just our responsibility; it’s our commitment to you. Data security and confidentiality are a critical component to everything we do, ensuring that your information remains private and safe. Our guiding principle is simple: we don’t collect or store sensitive personal data.

That’s why when you use Member Splash, you enter all financial information—like credit card numbers—directly into secure, third-party payment processing systems such as or Ecrypt (Preferred Payments).

Importantly, our system only stores payment confirmations, keeping your financial data out of harm’s way. Similarly, we avoid collecting or storing social security numbers, driver’s licenses, or other highly sensitive personal information. In fact, our strongest security feature is that hackers have nothing critical to steal—unless they’re after details like who’s enrolled in the Mermaids Aqua Aerobics program (and we’re pretty sure they’re not!).

Cutting-Edge Server Security

Member Splash operates on virtual private servers and monitors them around the clock to ensure your data stays safe. Here’s how Member Splash data security and confidentiality practices keep your information secure:

Membersplash Data Privacy, Security and Confidentiality

1. One-Way Encrypted Passwords

We encrypt your account passwords, meaning not even our team can view or recover them. If you forget your password, we generate a new temporary one to get you back on track.

2. SSH Keys

Our developers use unique encrypted keys on their computers to connect to our servers for tasks like uploading software updates. This extra layer of authentication ensures only authorized access.

3. IP Allowlisting

We restrict server connections to specific, pre-approved IP addresses. As a result, any attempt from an unapproved location triggers an automatic block. This is just one example of how we protect your account through our data security and confidentiality measures.

4. Firewall with Country Blocking

Most malicious attacks originate from outside the U.S., so we employ a firewall that blocks most non-U.S.-based connections. However, if you’re traveling internationally, you might need special access permissions. This feature significantly reduces threats.

5. Login Tracking and Blocking

We detect and stop brute force attacks—where hackers attempt thousands of username-password combinations. Consequently, our system identifies suspicious login patterns and blocks them to keep your accounts safe, further reinforcing our data security and confidentiality.

Data Privacy & Confidentiality: Your Data, Your Control

We believe your data belongs to you, and we handle it with the utmost respect. MemberSplash Data Security and Confidentiality practices ensure that your information remains protected. We use your information only to provide the services you’ve contracted, and we never share it for other purposes.

Our Privacy Policy explains this clearly: Read it here.

In practice, we work with trusted third-party platforms like MailChimp to streamline services like email communications. For example, we may share member email addresses with MailChimp to send your club’s newsletters or updates. However, we ensure those email addresses serve only their intended purpose. Furthermore, neither Member Splash nor MailChimp will use or share them for any other reason. This reflects our commitment to your data security and confidentiality.

Experience Peace of Mind with Member Splash!

At Member Splash, we’ve taken significant steps to ensure your data remains secure and confidential. From robust server protections to strict data handling practices, we dedicate ourselves to keeping your information safe so you can focus on what matters most: managing your club efficiently and providing an exceptional membership experience for your members. Indeed, your data security and confidentiality form the foundation of everything we do.

Have questions or want to learn more? Contact us and let us know how we can help!